Wednesday, May 28, 2008

"Thattu Kada" Pictures

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Food team ready for sale!!!!

We hope our hard working team will be up and running for this years summer fest.. and help raise the amount for this years project..

Calling on all the team members to come forward and help in making this event sucessful.Please invite other friends or relatives to come join.

God bless.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

You ready..!Summer fest here we come!

Are you all ready to sing, dance, paint,do a fashion show, Drama, jokes,poetry or any other talents.. don't forget to give names to the organisers..and find out the alloted time..

please bring in your contributions of handicrafts,hand made jewellery, cookery talents.. unused finery .....,you have unused toys,books.or other stuff contact the committee to ask if their are stalls for sale......bring it out for others to enjoy and buy.. may your contributions be used for the welfare of one of our projects to help the needy.

Bring friendships, cheer and laughter .. don't forget your kids,neighbours and their friends for a day of fun at all the games being organised.

While you are hungry ,please look around for the closest Food stalls.. being monitored by excellent chefs and helpers..and out of the world yummy foods cooked by some great hands..

Encourage our food servers and makers by buying loads of food for you ,family and friends..

kindly remember the cause we are working for and please give with your heart..

God bless you all.Don't forget to try all stalls..And take time to enjoy the music, dance and other entertainments set for all.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

More pictures!!