Monday, June 30, 2008

Good job !

Volunteers collecting donations for Karuthal project.Thank you volunteers and all those who contributed. kids starting their coloring. Seniors got their stuff-Theme..please Juniors waiting for their Subject. Young kids waiting with their colors, for their sheet .

Summer fest ended with a bang started to cleanup, we were watching fireworks.. also it started to rain ,made us all hurry ..

It felt like the show did really need fireworks. kids loved it,when they saw it in the neighbourhood.With Gods blessings we have not heard much complaints.. Congrats!! it was really GREAT effort by all .

Thanks to all for your warmth and contributions to Karuthal project.

Program started with painting ,which had quite a few kids ..They showed their artistic skills.Some came out rushing to play or eat.. some came crying about their time limit and what a lousy job they did...some walked home with trophies.. while others wondered why they did not receive one.!Brush up your skills and go out to win the next competitions .

Mr.Philp Varghese and his team did a good job.We had some of our wonderful youth help us also.They distributed the prizes at the end of the cultural.

Food stalls...Hmmmmmmmm yummy foods and hot ones too.. looks like everyone enjoyed it too..unfortunately due to cost rising they had to cut the quantity.. sad..

All the food was sold..We were blessed to have some wonderful Aunties to come help cook the hot food.It was not a very great job to do on a hot day.. standing in front of a really hot stove toiling..with boiling oil .phew!.Congrats to those loving ladies.They kept the rest of us going too.God bless their helping hearts.

Frozen ice creams were a mess.. the person, who was scooping it up.. gave it to me.. saying its messy.. and I did not like having to give that to kids either .. who, I thought ,would make their dresses and themselves covered with ice cream.. a parent told me.. don't worry they love it..! Oh., yeah !they do.. they come for seconds.. and ask for different flavors..

Hot idiyappams,chicken stew,veg stew, hot dogs, (Beef,Fish)cutlets,banana fry,dosa,omelets,bread,kappa fish curry, paratha, beef,chips,coffee, tea,cold water,can sodas...all were some of the food in the stalls.Hip! Hip !Hoorays ,to Thomas George (chachi) and his team of helpers.. all those who spent sleepless nights in cutting and cooking and the great volunteers we had. God bless your healths too.