Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Chefs waiting to serve..

Cutlets getting ready for frying.
Wilson ready for taking Cash..and sell coupons.
Cutting and chopping...
Kappa and beef ready!Finally they get a break!

Hard working chefs...doesn't Beef look mouth watering...!

Food cmty and the team busy cooking kappa and beef curry for summerfest

Achen, kochamma, uncle ,relaxing after eating the yummy food,and watching the kids play.

Well dressed uncle ready to perform ..
Aunty, one of our expert cooks of the day,you see the other chefs in the back ground..

The hot food making team.. need cool air/drink..
They filled a lot of empty tummy with hot food.! congrats.!sorry, could not cover the others as got busy..
Stalls ----we had t-shirts,hats,coffee mugs,pens( would not have seen those as they went first.!)..and other stuff were sold so cheap.. I wonder how many knew.. i was going to get some photos of that stall, which got lot of attention with aunties sitting and having a chat..hope all of them help sell/buy the items.

playing stalls..the bouncer was of course the favorite,balloon's popping did not see much takers.. but small ones had them in their hands,throwing games where one could win prizes was a big hit..

2 things , which could not cover was called in to help with the cultural starting.Thanks for sharing the rest of the photos.
Excellent job team members.
God bless.